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Last Call for Testimony!

We are currently in the final stretch of the public comment period in support of the Veto of Resolution RS 20-123, a Stop Work Order to the Creation of a Borough Wetlands Mitigation Ordinance.

Why are Wetlands at Risk?

Wetlands make up 1/4 of the land area in the Matanuska Susitna Borough. Wetlands provide many services to the people that live around them. These services include flood control, improving water quality, protection against erosion, soil stabilization, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, education, cultural resources, and open space.

The Mat-Su Borough is growing and expanding. Since the 1970's, it has been the fastest growing borough in the state. Without sound planning as put forth by a Wetlands Mitigation Ordinance, wetlands may be subject to being filled in and built upon with little thought of the long term consequences.

The Mat-Su Borough has been in the process of formulating a Wetlands Mitigation Ordinance for some time. It is almost complete. Now, the MSB Assembly is attempting to stop the finalization of this ordinance through Resolution RS 20-123, a Wetlands Mitigation Stop Work Order.

"A Wetland Mitigation Policy is not something to be feared-- it is a positive step forward." -Mayor Halter

Where does the issue stand?

During a December Mat-Su Assembly meeting, Resolution RS 20-123 was introduced. The Resolution is a Stop Work Order on the almost completed Borough Wetlands Mitigation Ordinance.

Your public comments came out in strong opposition to the Resolution RS 20-123 Stop Work Order in December. Despite strong opposition, Assembly members voted with a close margin of 4:3 in support of the Stop Work Order.

On January 3, 2021, Mayor Vern Halter issued a Veto to override the Stop Work Order. Because of this, the Stop Work Order must once again be voted on by the Borough Assembly.

At the Assembly meeting taking place on January 19, 2021 at 6PM, the issue will be voted on again. The Assembly needs a super majority margin of 5:2 in order to override the Mayor's Veto.

We want the Veto to succeed! Your public comments will help us achieve the success of the Veto in opposition of Resolution RS 20-123.

See the Agenda Here.

For a history of Wetlands Management in the Borough, Look Here.

How to Take Action:


  • You may submit written comments until 12PM January 19, 2021

  • Email your written comment to

Public Testimony on this issue will occur under "Audience Participation" (VII, C) during the assembly meeting. Members will each have 3 minutes to speak. (We will post to the Facebook Event when they are close to this section). (Comments can not be made through the online platforms and must be made in person or by calling in only).


  • Dial 1-855-225-2326; You will hear "Joining conference" when you enter the meeting.

  • You will automatically be muted and able to listen to the meeting

  • When the Mayor announces audience participation or a public hearing for which you would like to speak, press *3; You will hear "Your hand has been raised."

  • When it is your turn to testify, you will hear "Your line has been unmuted."

  • State your name for the record, speak your name, and provide your testimony.

In Person:

  • Should you choose to attend in person, please adhere to a 6-foot distance between yourself and others

  • Face masks are required while you are indoors unless you have a health condition making a face covering unsafe for you.

We will be posting on our Facebook event as they near the agenda item in the meeting.


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