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Autumn has been Packed!


Fishing in the West Susitna Drainage & SRC Updates

Spreading the Message about the Susitna:

SRC on WetFlySwing & Fishing Trips!

In August, the Susitna River Coalition was excited to sit down with Dave from the fly fishing podcast, Wet Fly Swing. We discussed some of the work we are doing to preserve our free-flowing Susitna watershed, including the fight against the proposed West Susitna Industrial Access Corridor and continued monitoring of the Susitna Watana Hydro Project.

It was a great opportunity to chat about our home, and to shed some light on important issues in our massive watershed. The episode aired this week as part of Wet Fly Swing's "Alaska Week."

Take a listen here.


As part of the podcast's Alaska Week, Wet Fly Swing is launching a giveaway fishing trip with our friends at FishHound Expeditions to the remote reaches of the West Susitna Drainage.

Enter the Wet Fly Swing Alaska Trip Giveaway and your chance to win a remote river trip to Alaska and a bunch of amazing gear from Wet Fly Swing sponsors!

You can enter to win the Alaska Trip and Gear Giveaway by clicking the link below::

(The total prize value is $5500)

By entering today you will have a chance to win a multi-day river float in remote Alaska for big rainbows, salmon, char, grayling and more + you will be entered to win the gear prize pack listed below::

Fishhound Expeditions: 4 day float trip in remote Alaska

Scientific Anglers: Floating and Sinking Fly lines

Umpqua Feather Merchants: Overlook Chest Pack and fly box selection

Waterworks-Lamson: Velocity fly rod and Guru fly reel

Yakoda Supply: Fly tin, smuggler, Reel Cover, utility wallet and more

JH Fly Co: Yellowstone fly rod, reel and fly line

Costa: Tuna Alley Glasses x 2


Susitna Basin Recreation Rivers: Management Plan Revision Update

This past spring, the Department of Natural Resources opened up a scoping period for the revision of the Recreation Rivers Management Plan. This robust, well constructed tool for management of six high use waterways in the Susitna Watershed was first implemented in 1991. It continues to be a vital document for maintaining health of these six popular river systems: the Talkeetna, Little Susitna, Deshka, Talachulitna, Alexander Creek, and Lake Creek. Learn more about the Recreation Rivers Management Plan here. This past week, the Department of Natural Resources announced the completion of scoping phase 1 for revision of the plan. DNR released a Fall 2022 Newslettersummarizing public comments from scoping and describing the next steps in the planning process.  The next steps will lead up to the creation of a first draft of an edited management plan for public comment. No exact timeline has been set, but we encourage you to submit comments on how you use the waterways, and what you value about them when the time comes. We will notify you of the comment periods.

Have questions for DNR? Contact the Lead Planner, Shelby Burridge at 907.269.8593 or


Want to follow Recreation Rivers?

This month, the Susitna Basin Recreation Rivers Advisory Board began meeting again after their summer hiatus.

The Advisory Board consists of thirteen members representing a variety of different user groups. These board meetings are open to the public via Microsoft teams or by phone. There are opportunities for public comment at the end of each meeting.

The next three meetings will be held virtually on the following dates:

The link below to join Microsoft Teams will be the same for all the meetings.

Join on your computer or mobile app:

Or call in (audio only):

+1 907-202-7104, 618860625# United States, Anchorage

Phone Conference ID: 618 860 625#

See the Department of Natural Resources webpage for more information.


November 14-15, 2022 9AM-4PM

Join the Susitna River Coalition and the other members of the Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership for the 15th annual Mat-Su Salmon Science and Conservation Symposium!

This year, the event is back in person for an informative and fun-filled two days. We are excited to speak to you and to celebrate salmon, science, and the work being done to protect the fish that enrich our lives and communities.

The Susitna River Coalition will be providing an update on potential development projects in the watershed. In addition, Board Member Howard Carbone will be presenting with SRC community members Corinne Marzullo and Ed O'Connor on an independent salmon stream restoration project in the Peter's Hills. We are excited to chat with you, share what we have been working on, and hear all of the other great presentations.

This fish-centered event will be held at the Palmer Community Depot from 9AM to 4PM on November 14 & 15.

Want to register or learn more? See the Event Page!


Solarize Talkeetna: There is still time to get involved!

On October 13th, we hosted our first hybrid speaker event of the season.

Rachel Christensen from the Alaska Center presented at the Denali Education Center's Talkeetna Campus. She educated the SRC community about the Alaska Center's Solarize Program.

Solarize is a community program that brings neighbors together to purchase solar panels and installation as a group for a discounted rate.

If you missed the event, you still have the chance to ask questions and join the program. You can check out a presentation of the Solarize Program created by the Alaska Center on the Susitna River Coalition YouTube to find out more information.

Want to get involved or get more information?

Email Rachel at or the Susitna River Coalition Energy Coordinator June at for more information.


Matanuska Electric Association Co-op Board Opening!

Do you live in the Wasilla area and want to help your community move towards a clean, reliable and safe energy future?

The Matanuska Electric Association is currently looking for the right person to fill the Susitna East District seat. Any MEA coop member-owner (you pay MEA bills) can apply for this position. As a MEA board director, you can support renewable energy resources such as wind, solar and small-scale hydro power and we can avoid funding for harmful projects like the Susitna Watana Dam.

You do not need previous utility or energy-related work experience to apply.

MEA is accepting applications now until Nov 11th.

To find out more and to download the application, go to the MEA website here.


Wild Su Feast Change the Date: December 11, 2022

Since our last newsletter announcing the date for everyone's favorite event, Wild Su Feast... we have had to change the date.

Save the date for December 11, 2022 from 5:00-8:00 PM. We will be joining together to celebrate the foods that Walk, Swam, Grew and Flew through our free-flowing watershed.

We are excited this year to host the Feast at the Denali Brewing Company on Mile 2 of the Talkeetna Spur Road.

Event details to come, but you can start dreaming up your recipes with last year's Wild Su Feast Cookbook.

Stay tuned for more event details as our favorite community event gets closer!

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