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COMMENTS NEEDED: West Susitna Industrial Corridor

Updated: May 22, 2024


West Susitna, Project #34206

ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! Your Comments Needed!


Time is Running out!! Make your comments on West Susitna Access in the draft DOT STIP plan. Don't let mining special interest groups spend our state's money on their project.

Comment Here

In late July, the DOT introduced the state's draft STIP plan for 2024-2027. A surprise inclusion in this draft plan was the first 15 miles of the West Susitna Industrial Access Corridor and bridge across the Big Su. The total cost of this project is currently estimated at $82.5 million for the state of Alaska.

Alaska is overwhelmed with bad roads. The $82.5 million allocated for this portion of the industrial road could be used to fund existing road improvements or build other needed roads that have already been vetted and identified throughout Alaska. This sneaky shift in tactics to push through an unpopular project for industrial access isn’t fooling anyone.

To see the DOT STIP Project Summaries, Click Here.

To see the detailed DOT Extended Timeline, Click Here.

To learn more about West Susitna Industrial Access, Click Here.

Comments on the proposed 2024-2027 STIP funding are accepted until Sunday, September 3rd, 2023. This is a vital opportunity to make your voice heard in keeping the West Susitna Drainage a wild place. 

Comments can be made here.

*** Be sure to reference West Susitna Access, # 34206 in your comments.**

If you would like tips and talking points to utilize in your comments, see Here.

If you would like to get ahead of the curve and would like help preparing your testimony, please email


"We Don't Want West Susitna"

A Letter to the Editor by Becky Long

A recent Letter to the Editor in ADN by Becky Long brings up many of the concerns we have about the inclusion of West Susitna in the draft DOT STIP plan. Not only is the inclusion of this project as part of our state road priorities deceptive and sneaky, but the cost is grossly underestimated, the route not concrete, and the lack of concern for important cultural sites is worrisome. 

"Project 34206 is for 15.5 miles, costing $82.5 million, the first segment of the governor’s gift to the international mining industry, the 110-mile West Susitna industrial mining road. It is 15.5 miles of road and bridges across the Big and Little Susitna Rivers, Fish Creek, and skirting around Flathorn Lake.

The Susitna River Bridge is thought to cross at Susitna Station, one of the richest cultural spots in this state. No way is $82.5 million going to pay for that many bridges and that much road work. Tremendous cost overruns are guaranteed and could drive the cost up to $200 million. And at this time, the exact route has not even been chosen.

The state administration looks to be segmenting different parts of the 110-mile overall road to dilute public comment and participation, along with adequate cultural and environmental review."

Read the letter in its entirety here.


Mat-Su Borough Planning Department Survey

The Mat-Su Borough is the fastest growing region in Alaska. The Mat-Su Borough Planning Department is offering individuals in the Mat-Su the opportunity to weigh in on development and planning priorities. August 31st is the last day to let the Borough know what you would like to prioritize moving forward. 

Make your voice heard here.


Waterbody Setback Advisory Board

Call for Applicants


We have been so excited about all of you that have been following along and contributing to the conversation surrounding the revision of the Waterbody Setback Ordinance. Since December, so many members of the public have made their voice heard regarding the importance of riparian zones, building setbacks, and responsible development in our rapidly growing borough. 

As the next step in this long process, the Mat-Su Borough is forming a Waterbody Setback Advisory Board to help inform the planning commission and shape the future of the setback ordinance. Are you interested in serving?

There will be nine members of the Waterbody Setback Advisory Board. As feasible, membership will be from the following group:

  • 1 member from the Planning Commission

  • 1 member from the MSB Fish & Wildlife Commission

  • 1 member from the Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership

  • 1 member with experience in designing and constructing stormwater abatement best management practices

  • 1 member from the home builder, lending, or real estate community

  • 1 member from the Alaska State Department of Environmental Conservation

  • 3 members at large

To learn more and apply, see the Mat-Su Borough Application Page.


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