Did You Know You are a Part-Owner of the Matanuska Electric Association (MEA)?
If you pay electricity bills to MEA, you are a part owner of the company!
That comes with certain rights and responsibilities, including voting in the annual MEA Board Member Elections. The MEA Board Member elections start today, March 26 at noon! Vote online using your MEA smart hub account or using the ballot in your mailbox as soon as it arrives! Only MEA members who live in the Matanuska or Eagle River districts are eligible to vote in this election.
Important Election Dates
Friday, March 26th - Ballots and election information is sent to members Friday, March 26th @ 12pm - Online voting begins using your MEA smart hub account Tuesday, March 30th @ 6PM Matanuska Seat Round Table hosted by SRC & AKPIRG Tuesday, April 6th @ 6PM Eagle River Seat Round Table hosted by SRC & AKPIRG Monday, April 26th @ 5pm - Ballots must be received (not postmarked) and online voting ends
Candidate Round Tables
Join the Susitna River Coalition and AKPIRG for TWO virtual MEA Board Election Round Tables featuring the candidates for the Matanuska and Eagle River districts. SRC will be presenting a candidate round table for each of the districts in an effort to provide a fair and balanced view and clear instruction on how to vote. Learn more about the election process from MEA staff Jennifer Castro, hear from the candidates, and ask your own questions either about the candidates or the election process in general. To learn more about the MEA election and why it matters to SRC visit:https://www.susitnarivercoalition.org/mea-elections Matanuska Seat - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 6:00pm Register via Zoom or see our Facebook Event Page Eagle River Seat - Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - 6:00pm Register via Zoom or see our Facebook Event Page
Matanuska Electric Association Elections:
The SRC Endorses Mark Masteller for the Matanuska Seat
Mark Masteller is running for re-election this year in the Matanuska district. Mark has been a strong advocate against the construction of the Susitna-Watana Dam and for a diverse, responsible, and renewable energy grid during his time on the Board. He looks forward to using his experience on the board and in our community to meet the needs of an ever expanding membership. Mark is a longtime Alaskan who came to Palmer 33 years ago to work as a wildlife biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. For the past 20 years his work has been related to building science, energy efficiency, and renewable energy systems. He now teaches online for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Bristol Bay Campus where he is Director of the Sustainable Energy program. To learn more about Mark you can visit his website and visit his facebook page If you would like to support Mark Masteller or the SRC’s efforts around the MEA elections please donate to the SRC and indicate your support for the MEA election efforts. As always, if you are interested in the work we are doing please feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more or get involved.
Whether you went for a boat trip on one of the Su’s many tributaries, ate salmon caught from it’s the mouth near Cook inlet, or simply took in the view standing on her banks, the Su has been a resource and escape for many of us during the past year. Help us stand for the river that sustains us and consider donating to the SRC through Pick.Click.Give in 2021. You can count on us to keep you informed about threats to the watershed, provide educational materials about the latest science and policy, and to share your stories of life in the watershed. Show the Su some love!